Friday, June 8, 2012

Wedding Brain

Isn't this a gorgeous ensemble?  I totally want to wear something similar to the wedding shower. I cannot find the original source but it seems it was originally uploaded to Pinterest <---(check out my style board here).
So I realized today that I have the phenomenon called "wedding brain".  I didn't realize it until I was reading this fabulous blog here but it is so a real thing! With everything going on around me, wedding things seem to be the only information I can retain.  I've forgotten birthdays, invoices, e-mails...everything. It's like my brain just stopped functioning!  Hopefully this eases up, because I am so in trouble if it doesn't.

On a completely different note, we had our tasting last night.  Everyone was very impressed with Jewell Events.  Went to bed with happy, full bellies.  All-in-all a very successful evening.

Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend, all. :)

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